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Produkte zum Begriff Experiential-Marketing:

  • Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development
    Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development

    Experiential learning is a powerful and proven approach to teaching and learning that is based on one incontrovertible reality: people learn best through experience. Now, in this extensively updated book, David A. Kolb offers a systematic and up-to-date statement of the theory of experiential learning and its modern applications to education, work, and adult development.   Experiential Learning, Second Edition builds on the intellectual origins of experiential learning as defined by figures such as John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, and L.S. Vygotsky, while also reflecting three full decades of research and practice since the classic first edition.   Kolb models the underlying structures of the learning process based on the latest insights in psychology, philosophy, and physiology. Building on his comprehensive structural model, he offers an exceptionally useful typology of individual learning styles and corresponding structures of knowledge in different academic disciplines and careers. Kolb also applies experiential learning to higher education and lifelong learning, especially with regard to adult education.   This edition reviews recent applications and uses of experiential learning, updates Kolb's framework to address the current organizational and educational landscape, and features current examples of experiential learning both in the field and in the classroom. It will be an indispensable resource for everyone who wants to promote more effective learning: in higher education, training, organizational development, lifelong learning environments, and online.

    Preis: 84.52 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development
    Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development

    Experiential learning is a powerful and proven approach to teaching and learning that is based on one incontrovertible reality: people learn best through experience. Now, in this extensively updated book, David A. Kolb offers a systematic and up-to-date statement of the theory of experiential learning and its modern applications to education, work, and adult development.   Experiential Learning, Second Edition builds on the intellectual origins of experiential learning as defined by figures such as John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Jean Piaget, and L.S. Vygotsky, while also reflecting three full decades of research and practice since the classic first edition.   Kolb models the underlying structures of the learning process based on the latest insights in psychology, philosophy, and physiology. Building on his comprehensive structural model, he offers an exceptionally useful typology of individual learning styles and corresponding structures of knowledge in different academic disciplines and careers. Kolb also applies experiential learning to higher education and lifelong learning, especially with regard to adult education.   This edition reviews recent applications and uses of experiential learning, updates Kolb's framework to address the current organizational and educational landscape, and features current examples of experiential learning both in the field and in the classroom. It will be an indispensable resource for everyone who wants to promote more effective learning: in higher education, training, organizational development, lifelong learning environments, and online.

    Preis: 63.12 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Experiential Approach to Organization Development
    Experiential Approach to Organization Development

    For courses in Organisation Development, Organisational Behavior and Organisational Change. A conceptual and experiential approach to understanding organisational development. With a focus on the development of students’ interpersonal skills,Experiential Approach to Organization Development provides a comprehensive, realistic, innovative, and practical introduction to the field. The 8th edition presents new and revised information to help keep course material fresh and relevant. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Marketing

    Marketing: Real People, Real Decisions is the only text to introduce marketing from the perspective of real people who make real marketing decisions at leading companies everyday. Timely, relevant, and dynamic, this reader-friendly text shows students howmarketing concepts are implemented, and what they really mean in the marketplace. With this book, the authors show how marketing can come alive when practiced by real people who make real choices. This edition presents more information than ever on the core issues every marketer needs to know, including value, analytics and metrics, and ethical and sustainable marketing. And with new examples and assessments, the text helps students actively learn and retain chapter content, so they know what’s happening in the world of marketing today. This edition features a large number of new cases from prominent marketing academics and professionals from around Europe. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist Netzwerk-Marketing?

    Netzwerk-Marketing ist eine Vertriebsstrategie, bei der Produkte oder Dienstleistungen direkt von unabhängigen Vertriebspartnern an Kunden verkauft werden. Dabei bauen die Vertriebspartner ihr eigenes Vertriebsnetzwerk auf, indem sie weitere Vertriebspartner rekrutieren und an deren Umsätzen beteiligt werden. Das Ziel ist es, durch den Aufbau eines großen Netzwerks passives Einkommen zu generieren.

  • Was ist deine Frage zum Thema Netzwerk-Marketing?

    Was sind die Vorteile und Nachteile des Netzwerk-Marketings im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Vertriebsmethoden?

  • Ist es möglich, als Anfänger ein Open-Source-Betriebssystem zu verbessern?

    Ja, es ist möglich, als Anfänger ein Open-Source-Betriebssystem zu verbessern. Open-Source-Projekte ermutigen und begrüßen Beiträge von der Community, unabhängig von der Erfahrung. Als Anfänger könntest du zum Beispiel Fehlerberichte einreichen, Dokumentation verbessern oder einfache Fehler beheben. Mit der Zeit und dem Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten könntest du dann auch komplexere Beiträge leisten.

  • Was ist Open-Source-Software?

    Open-Source-Software ist Software, deren Quellcode frei verfügbar ist und von der Gemeinschaft frei genutzt, geändert und weiterentwickelt werden kann. Dies bedeutet, dass die Entwickler den Code einsehen, modifizieren und an ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen können. Open-Source-Software fördert die Zusammenarbeit und den Wissensaustausch in der Entwicklergemeinschaft und trägt zur Schaffung von innovativen Lösungen bei. Ein bekanntes Beispiel für Open-Source-Software ist das Betriebssystem Linux.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Experiential-Marketing:

  • Facebook Marketing: Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign
    Facebook Marketing: Designing Your Next Marketing Campaign

    The All-New, Up-to-the-Minute Guide to Facebook® Marketing: Better Techniques, Better Results!   In this completely revised book, top Facebook marketer Justin R. Levy shows how to use Facebook to attract more customers and earn more profits. This isn’t hype: It’s actionable information based on the real experiences of companies and individuals who have used Facebook to supercharge their businesses and careers. Levy covers it all, from the absolute basics to attracting visitors and building your community. You’ll discover the latest tools and Facebook Apps–and new best practices for everything from search to privacy. Packed with real case studies, this is the only Facebook business guide you need: your fast, complete blueprint for success.   Coverage includes • Learning from the pioneers and avoiding beginner’s mistakes • Developing a winning Facebook marketing strategy • Establishing a presence that starts working fast and grows with you • Designing Facebook ads that drive more clickthroughs at lower cost • Using Facebook Connect and Live Stream Box to reach customers outside Facebook • Monitoring what customers are saying about you in real-time • Communicating more powerfully with widgets and Apps • Addressing privacy concerns • Building communities that promote loyalty and innovation • Using Sweepstakes and other traffic builders • Mastering advanced Facebook marketing tips, tricks, and hacks • Preparing for the future of Facebook

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Marketing-Management

    Klassische Konzepte, Leitlinien und Beispiele wurden beibehalten und mit den modernen Realitäten, auf die  Marketing trifft, verknüpft. Drei allgemein wirksame Kräfte Globalisierung, Technologie und gesellschaftliche Verantwortlichkeit wurden als entscheidend für den Erfolg moderner Marketingprogramme erkannt und ziehen sich durch das ganze Buch. Die neueste Ausgabe verwendet einen multidisziplinären Ansatz und vermittelt fundiertes Wissen und ein breiteres Verständnis der wesentlichen Marketingprinzipien und Kernkonzepte. Kritisches Denken und analytische Fähigkeiten werden mit universellen praktischen Anwendungen angesprochen, die ein breiteres Spektrum an Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Marketingstrategien abdecken. Brandneue Fallstudien am Ende jeden Kapitels erläutern praxisnah und anschaulich an einem bekannten und erfolgreichen Unternehmen Herausforderungen, die als Diskussionsgrundlage und Analyse in Vorlesungen verwendet werden können. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende an Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Berufsakademien sowie Trainer und Dozenten, welche zum Lehrbuch umfassendes, tief gehendes und aussagekräftiges Material für ihren Einsatz in der Vorlesung, Seminaren und Workshops erhalten. Unentbehrlich ist das Buch aber auch seit Jahrzehnten für Manager, Entscheidungsträger und Praktiker, welche einen verlässlichen Ratgeber für die tägliche Praxis im Unternehmen benötigen.

    Preis: 54.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Sustainable Marketing
    Sustainable Marketing

    For courses in Sustainable Marketing or as a supplement to marketing courses that include sustainability as a focus. A lasting approach to marketing. As the engine that drives the global economy, marketing leaves an enormous footprint on the environment and society. To help readers make a lasting impression in their marketing efforts, Martin/Schouten provides the concepts behind valuable—and lucrative—sustainable marketing strategies.     The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Social Marketing
    Social Marketing

    Social marketing is receiving unprecedented focus and support from government, the private sector and charities internationally. Social marketing attempts to educate people in the hope that they will make ‘informed’(i.e. healthy) choices regarding diet, lifestyle and health related issues. The effective application of social marketing principles can be complex and controversial. Social marketing planning cannot be reduced to a simple set of actions on a checklist; there is no single strategy for success and strategies that have proved successful with one population may not transfer to other populations. This text will explore the complexities involved in researching, planning and implementing effective social marketing programmes, using illustrative cases from both successful and unsuccessful real-world programmes. The authors provide a critical analysis of the origins of social marketing as a concept and of the claims made by its supporters and detractors in order to highlight what social marketing can and cannot achieve.  This is followed by a review of strategic issues that must be considered in developing social marketing programmes, including persuasion resistance, message relevance and message framing.  Key themes included in the text are the impact of cultural factors on health-related behaviours, ethical issues and attitudes as a key factor underlying health-related behaviours. The authors introduce concepts, theories and strategies that will aid the development, testing and implementation of social marketing interventions. The book is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of business and marketing and those studying modules in social marketing. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie sicher ist Open Source?

    Open Source Software ist im Allgemeinen sicher, da der Quellcode für jeden zugänglich ist und von einer großen Community überprüft wird. Durch die Transparenz des Codes können Sicherheitslücken schneller erkannt und behoben werden. Dennoch ist es wichtig, dass Open Source Software regelmäßig aktualisiert und gepflegt wird, um mögliche Sicherheitsrisiken zu minimieren.

  • Sind Open-Source-Codes gefälscht?

    Nein, Open-Source-Codes sind nicht gefälscht. Open-Source bezieht sich auf die Art und Weise, wie der Code entwickelt und lizenziert wird. Open-Source-Software ermöglicht es Entwicklern, den Quellcode einzusehen, zu überprüfen, zu modifizieren und zu teilen. Dies fördert Transparenz und Zusammenarbeit, um die Qualität und Sicherheit des Codes zu gewährleisten.

  • Wie lautet das Netzwerk-Marketing-System von Pulse Empire BitClub Networks?

    Das Netzwerk-Marketing-System von Pulse Empire BitClub Networks basiert auf dem Prinzip des Empfehlungsmarketings. Mitglieder haben die Möglichkeit, andere Personen für das Unternehmen zu werben und dadurch Provisionen und Boni zu verdienen. Das System beinhaltet auch verschiedene Ränge und Bonusstufen, die erreicht werden können, um das Einkommen weiter zu steigern.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Marketing und internationalem Marketing?

    Marketing bezieht sich auf die Aktivitäten, die ein Unternehmen unternimmt, um seine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu fördern und zu verkaufen. Internationales Marketing hingegen bezieht sich auf die spezifischen Marketingstrategien und -taktiken, die ein Unternehmen einsetzt, um seine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen in verschiedenen Ländern und Kulturen zu vermarkten. Es beinhaltet die Anpassung der Marketingbotschaft, der Vertriebskanäle und der Kommunikationsmittel an die Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben der Zielmärkte im Ausland.

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